6-Week Recovery Wellness Program :

Our Recovery Wellness Program is divided into three core areas :

  • Week 1 | Spiritual Principles and Values
  • Week 2 | The Brain and the Mind
  • Week 3 | Growth and Community

Spiritual principles and values transcend specific religious doctrines, offering a framework for personal growth and connection to something larger than oneself. These principles often emphasize qualities like compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and service to others. They encourage introspection, seeking meaning and purpose in life, and living in harmony with the world around us. By integrating these values into daily life, individuals can cultivate inner peace, build stronger relationships, and find deeper meaning in their existence.

In the context of addiction recovery, understanding the intricate relationship between the brain and the mind is crucial. The program delves into the neurological adaptations caused by addiction, exploring how substance use alters brain chemistry and functioning. This knowledge empowers individuals to recognize the biological underpinnings of cravings and triggers, fostering self-compassion and reducing feelings of shame or blame. Additionally, the program emphasizes the role of the mind in shaping recovery. Participants learn about cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other techniques to challenge negative thought patterns, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges. By integrating this understanding of the brain-mind connection, the program equips individuals with the tools they need to not only manage cravings but also build a sustainable foundation for long-term recovery and overall well-being.

Fostering individual growth and cultivating a supportive community are central pillars of this recovery wellness program. Participants embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring their strengths, values, and personal goals for a fulfilling life beyond addiction. Through individual reflection, group discussions, and creative activities, individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and develop the confidence to navigate challenges and make positive choices. The program also emphasizes the importance of building a supportive community. By connecting with peers who share similar experiences and challenges, participants find solace, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. This sense of community fosters accountability, reduces feelings of isolation, and provides a safe space for sharing experiences, offering support, and celebrating each other’s successes. This combined focus on individual growth and community building empowers individuals to not only achieve lasting recovery but also thrive in their personal and social lives.

Fundamental Aspects of 6-Week Recovery Wellness Program :

Our program is forward focused, solution-driven and addresses fundamental aspects like:

  • Substance abuse management and relapse prevention
  • Personal stress and professional stress management
  • Work-life balance and mental/physical fatigue and burnout.

recovery wellness

This Wellness Program is a 6-week outpatient program that is forward-focused, solution-driven. It addresses fundamental aspects of addictive behaviors, relapse prevention, personal stress and professional stress management, work-life balance, mental, physical, and holistic well-being. There is an educational element to our Wellness Program that supports clients in better understanding and managing their recovery. Education also allows clients to learn new tools, boundaries, and skills that will empower them. By being responsible for their personal development, clients will be better equipped to manage their recovery and lead a life free from addictive behaviors.

Clients will get a handbook and they are expected to complete the assignments, watch videos and talks, and do other daily maintenance activities to help strengthen and assist in their recovery.

For more information please contact us.