
Effective Treatment for Addictive Behaviours

The 12-Step Recovery Program : Effective Treatment For Addictive Behaviors The 12-step recovery program, popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is a widely recognized and effective method for treating addiction. The program’s effectiveness can be attributed to several key factors : A sense of community: The 12-step program encourages individuals in recovery to form a supportive […]

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Genetics and addiction: Are Addictive Behaviours Hereditary

Genetics And Addiction: Are Addictive Behaviors Hereditary? A long-standing question here is, are genetics and addiction correlated? That is, whether people are genetically predisposed to addiction. According to research by the American Psychological Association, genetic factors contribute to at least half of an individual’s susceptibility to addiction. Recent research emphasizes the importance of understanding the

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Understanding The Criteria For Alcohol Use Disorder

Understanding The Criteria For Alcohol Use Disorder

Understanding The Criteria For Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol use disorder (AUD), also known as alcoholism, is a complex and multifaceted condition characterized by an inability to control alcohol consumption despite negative consequences. It involves heavy or frequent drinking that leads to emotional distress or physical harm. This disorder can range from mild to severe and

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alcohol use disorder aud

Five Signs That Your Drinking is Becoming a Problem

There are many stereotypes when it comes to the idea of substance abuse and alcohol dependence. However,  the truth is that the signs of alcohol addiction don’t always fit our preconceived notions. This can cause us to mistake certain habits as mere “drinking problems” when they are in fact a full-blown addiction. Years spent in

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